Papers about Gabor Wavelets, Gaussian Receptive Fields, Receptive Field Histograms,
Scale Space, Pyramids, local appearance, scale invariance, rotation invariance,
invariant image description, invariant matching.
- F. Pelisson, D. Hall, O. Riff, J. L. Crowley, "Brand
Identification Using Gaussian Derivative Histograms, Machine Vision and
Applications, Vol 16, No. 1, pp 41-46, 2004
- J. L. Crowley and F. Pourraz, "Continuity properties
of the appearance manifold for mobile robot position estimation", Image
and Vision Computing, Vol 19, pp 741-752, September 2001.
- D. Hall, J. L. Crowley and V. Colin de Verdière, "View
Invariant Object Recognition using Coloured Receptive Fields", Machine
Graphics and Vision, Vol 9. pp 341-352, No. 2. June 2000.
- V. Colin de Verdière et J. L. Crowley, "Local
Appearance Space for Recognition of Navigation Landmarks", Robotics and
Autonomous Systems, Vol 31, Nos 1-2, pp 61-70, April 2000.
- B.Schiele and J. L. Crowley, "Recognition without
Correspondence using Multidimensional Receptive Field Histograms", International
Journal of Computer Vision, 36(1), pp 31-50, Jan. 2000
- V. Colin de Verdiere and J. L. Crowley, "Visual
Recognition Using Local Appearance", ECCV '98, Frieburg (DE), Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, Volume 1406, Pages 640 - 654, May 1998.
- J. L. Crowley, F. Wallner and B. Schiele, "Position Estimation Using Principal
Components of Range Data", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol 23, no 4,
pp 267-276, 1998.
- B.Schiele and J. L. Crowley, "Transinformation
of Object Recognition and its Application to Viewpoint Planning.", Robotics
and Autonomous Systems, Vol 21, No 1, July 1997.
- J. L. Crowley and A. Sanderson, "Multiple
Resolution Representation and Probabilistic Matching of 2-D Gray-Scale Shape",
IEEE Transactions on PAMI, PAMI 9(1), pp 113-121, Janvier 1987.
- J. L. Crowley and A. C. Parker, "A Representation
for Shape Based on Peaks and Ridges in the Difference of Low Pass Transform",
IEEE Transactions on PAMI, PAMI 6 (2), pp 156-170, March 1984.
- J. L. Crowley and R. M. Stern, "Fast
Computation of the Difference of Low-Pass Transform", IEEE Transactions
on PAMI, PAMI 6 (2), pp 234-239, March 1984.
Publications at International Conferences
- N. Gourier, D. Hall, J. L. Crowley, Facial
Features Detection Robust to Pose, Illumination and Identity, International
Conference on Systems Man and Cybernetics, The Hague, Oct 2004
- D. Hall and J. L. Crowley, "Computation
of generic features for object classification", Scale Space 03, 4th International
Conference on Scale-Space theories in Computer Vision, 10-12 June 2003, Isle
of Skye, Scotland, UK
- J. L. Crowley, O. Riff, "Fast
Computation of Characteristic Scale using a Half Octave Pyramid", Scale
Space 03, 4th International Conference on Scale-Space theories in Computer
Vision, 10-12 June 2003, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK
- D. Hall, F. Pelisson, O. Riff and J. L. Crowley, "Brand
Identification Using Gaussian Derivative Histograms", International Conference
on Vision Systems, ICVS-03, Graz, April 2003.
- D. Hall, J. L. Crowley, "Estimating the
Pose of Phicons for Human Computer Interaction", The Third International
Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, ICMI-2000, Beijing China, 14-16 October
- O. Chomat, V. Colin de Verdière, D. Hall and J. L. Crowley, "Local
Scale Selection for Gaussian Based Description Techniques", 6th European Conference
on Computer Vision, Springer Verlag, Dublin, pp 117-133, June 2000.
- O. Chomat, J. Martin, and J. L. Crowley, "A Probabilistic Sensor for the
Perception and Recognition of Activities", 6th European Conference on Computer
Vision, Springer Verlag, Dublin, pp 487-506, June 2000.
- D. Hall, V. Colin de Verdiere and J. L. Crowley, "Object
Recognition using Coloured Receptive Field", 6th European Conference on
Computer Vision, Springer Verlag, Dublin, pp 164-178, June 2000.
- O. Chomat and J. L. Crowley, "A Probabilistic Sensor for the Perception
of Activities", 4th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture
Recognition", Grenoble, France, March 2000.
- O. Chomat and J. L. Crowley, "Probabilistic
Recognition of Activity using Local Appearance", IEEE Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 99, Fort Collins, June 1999.
- V. Colin de Verdière and J. L. Crowley, "Visual
Recognition Using Local Appearance", ECCV '98, Frieburg, June, 1998.
- V. Colin de Verdière et J. L. Crowley, "Reconnaissance d'Objets par
Apparence Locale", RFIA '98, Clermont-Ferrand, January 1998.
- B. Schiele and J. L. Crowley, "Transinformation
for Active Object Recognition", In ICCV'98, International Conference on
Computer Vision, Bombay, India, January 1998
- B.Schiele and J. L. Crowley, "The concept of Visual Classes for Object
Classification.", Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, SCIA '97,
Lapeenranta, June 1997.
- B. Schiele and J.L. Crowley, "Where to
look next and What to look for", IROS '96, Osaka, Dec 1996.
- B. Schiele and J.L. Crowley,"Probabilistic Object
Recognition using Mutidimensional Receptive Field Histograms", ICPR '96,
Vienna, August 96.
- B. Schiele and J.L. Crowley,"Object Recognition
using Multidimensional Receptive Field Histograms",
ECCV-'96, European Conference on Computer Vision, Cambridge UK, April '96.
- J. L. Crowley, "Multi-Resolution Representation and Probabilistic Matching
of Gray Scale Shape", IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision, Representation and Control,
CVPR 84, Annapolis, March 1984.
- J. L. Crowley, "A Multi-Resolution Representation for Shape", IEEE Conf.
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 83, Washington, June, 1983.
- J. L. Crowley, "Analysis Synthesis and Evaluation
of Linear Operators for Textures", IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition
and Image Processing (PRIP '78), pp 372-377, Chicago, June, 1978.
Note that reference 20 proposed the use of Gabor Wavelets as an image descriptor
in 1978.
Journal reference 10 and 11 as well as conference reference 19 proposed use
of a scale invariant description now known as "Natural Interest Points",
developed in the late 1970's. This technique is now employed by the SIFT operator
to achieve scale invariance.
Conference paper 14 and journal paper 6 propose local histograms of gradient orientation, also used in SIFT.