| Jo‘lle
Coutaz Honorary Professor, Universitˇ Grenoble Alpes (from Fall 2020) Professor at Universitˇ Grenoble Alpes (1991 - 2020) Founding Member of the IIHM research group at Laboratory of Informatics of Grenoble (LIG) Awards Honorary Dr. of Science, Hasselt University (2024) Knight of Legion of Honour (2013) IFIP TC13 Pionneer Award (2013) IFIP Fellow (first cohort - 2019) ACM SICHI Academy (2007) Honorary Dr. of Science, Glasgow University (2007) Areas of Expertise Education and Responsibilities Awards Research Interests Research Projects Publications A Bit of History |
Human Computer Interaction, Multimodal Interaction, User Interface Plasticity, End-User Programming/End-User Development, Digital Behaviour Change Intervention, Ambient Intelligence, Smart Home Technologies.
have studied Computer Science at Universitˇ
Grenoble Alpes (formerly
Universitˇ Grenoble 1) where I obtained my doctorate in 1970 and
Th¸se dÕEtat ¸s Sciences Mathˇmatiques in
1988 in which I
set the foundations of software engineering for Human Computer
Interaction (HCI). I am currently professor honorary, formerly full
professor at Universitˇ Grenoble Alpes
from 1973 to Oct. 2012, and professor emeritus until Sept. 2020. I am
the founder in 1990, of the IIHM research
group (Ingˇnierie de lÕInteraction
Homme-Machine) at the LIG
(Laboratory of
Informatics of Grenoble), and served as group leader until
I have been
involved in the
ACM CHI conference as paper and panel chairs. I have served as vice
chair of the
Working Group 2.7(13.4) (User
Interface Engineering). I have served as a
member of
the editorial board of Interacting
with Computer (Oxford Academic) and of the ACM Transactions On
Computer Human
Interaction (TOCHI).
In France, I was
the co-founder of two working groups on Computer Supported
Collaborative Work (CSCW) and Multimodal interaction of the CNRS
national programme.
I have served as expert for ANR (Agence
Nationale de Recherche)
well as for the European Commission. I have been involved in the
project AMODEUS 1&2
(1989-1995) which was the first project in Europe to
promote a multidisciplinary approach to HCI.
In 2008, I have coordinated a working group on Ambient Intelligence for the French Ministry of Research (MESR) to create a new trans-disciplinary field that brings together Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) and Social and Human Sciences (SHS) to address societal challenges in novel ways. From 2012 to 2020, I co-directed the Amiqual4Home innovation platform in the field of Ambient Intelligence funded by the EquipEx program of the French "Programme d'Investissement d'Avenir" in collaboration with Inria centre at the University Grenoble Alpes.
In 2007, I received the honorary degree of Doctor of Science from the University of Glasgow and I have been elected to the SIGCHI Academy for Ņleadership in the profession in Computer Human InteractionÓ. On March 8, 2013, I was awarded Knight of the Legion of Honour by the Republic of France for my pioneering contributions to Human-Computer Interaction. I was also awarded the title of "IFIP TC13 Pioneer" in 2013, then nominated "IFIP Fellow" in 2019 in recognition of "outstanding contributions to the educational, theoretical, technical, commercial aspects of analysis, design, construction, evaluation and use of interactive systems". I am deeply honored to be included in the HCI Pioneers website launched by Ben Shneiderman to draw attention to the trail blazers in HCI.
My early
interests concerned the software
foundations for the sound implementation of graphical and multimodal
interactive systems. In 1987, I
invented the Presentation-Abstraction-Control (PAC) software
architecture model whose
innovations have since been incorporated into modern
forms of MVC (see wikipedia).
This model was subsequently
improved with colleagues as the Arch
model then as the PAC-Amodeus model to support
multimodal interaction.
In 1999, with the move to ubiquitous computing, I defined the concept of "User Interface Plasticity" as Ņthe capacity of user interfaces to adapt to the context of use while preserving usability.Ó In collaboration with colleagues, I developed the notion of "Context" of use. User Interface Plasticity has then been elaborated within the European CAMELEON project as a Unifying Reference Framework that operationalizes the development of plastic user interfaces. This framework has received high attention since its publication in 2003 and has served as a structure for the definition of UI description languages developed in the European UsiXML project.
In 2007, I
was invited to
participate to the Dagsthul Seminar on End-user
Software Engineering to
work on the challenges faced in helping end-user programmers to create
dependable software. As a follow-up of this work, I
co-directed the Catrene AppsGate
project that sought to empower ordinary people to configure and
program smart home services. We have been living
with Appsgate in our own
home from Fall 2014 to Winter 2023 (due to the final breakdown of
hardware !). AppsGate let us program many convenient functionalities
such as using Philips Hue lights as eco-feedback on our energy
consumption. From end-user programming facility, AppsGate turned to be
used as a Digital Behavior Change Intervention (DBCI) system.
2013, my research
interest focuses on Digital Behavior Change Intervention,
with early experiments on energy consumption in office buildings and domestic spaces.
I currently participate to the ANR ePsyCHI
project that aims to develop a set of semi-formal languages, called the
ePsyCHI language, to formalize, articulate, and make operational key
psychological theories related to behaviour change.
European Commission projects
Assaying Means of Design Expression for Users and Systems (1989-1995)
FP5-IST-FET-Disappearing Computer initiative GLOSS,
GLObal Smart Spaces (2001-2003)
Context Aware Modeling for Enabling & Leveraging Effective
InteractiON (2001-2004)
FP5-IST FAME, Facilitating Agents Multicultural Exchange
Creating human-machine interfaces SIMILAR to human-human communication
ITEA4 Emode,
Enabling Adaptive Multimodal Interfaces (2005 Š 2008)
User Interface in Multiple Contexts of Use (2009 Š 2013)
Catrene AppsGate,
a new generation of set-top box for smart home applications including
end-user programming for the home (2012-2015)
National projects
FUI Minalogic NOMAD,
Concepts for mobile interaction for iPhones and tablets (2007-2011)
CONtinuitˇ de Service en INformatique Ubiquitaire et Mobile (2009-2012)
EquipEx Amiqual4Home
innovation platform (2012-2019)
E-consultant Persuasif pour la Gestion Eenergˇtique des B‰timents
Idex Grenoble-Alpes Eco-SESA, Safe,
Efficient, Sustainable and Accessible energy (2017-2020)
Engineering Digital Behaviour Change Intervention: from Psychological
theories to Computer-Human Interaction (2022-2026)
Significant international workshops
seminars on Software
architecture (1995), Ubiquitous
Computing (2001), End-User
Software Engineering
(2007), Human
activity recognition in smart environments (2012)
strategic research workshop ŅThe Disappearing ComputerÓ to identify
key research challenges and opportunities in Information and
Communication Technologies (Vienna, 2004)
It was at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) that, in 1982, I first used a mouse to interact with a computer. I returned to CMU in 1983 as a scientific visitor, and it is there that I developed the concept of the UI mediator published in IEEE Computer Sept. 1985 (ŅAbstractions for User Interface DesignÓ), as well as a constraint-based screen layout manager for the syntactic editor of the Gandalf project (one of the very first software development environments, led by Nico Haberman). In France, at the time, personal workstations did not exist, whereas CMU was equipped with Altos and Perqs. At CMU, I had the opportunity to chat with James Gosling who was developing the window manager for the Andrew system. I remember rich discussions about the pros and cons of overlapping VS tiled windows. I used my own money to buy one of the first Macs and to attend CHI 83 in Boston, just out of curiosity. CHI 83 changed my scientific orientation completely. I returned to France in December 84 with my Apple Macintosh (imagine: no disk drive and 128 Kbyte of main memory, but a very well-designed programmers toolkit!). It is then that I left behind my research in operating systems and networks (in Grenoble, I experimented the use of packet switching for interconnecting computers), and started working on the software aspects of HCI (not knowing yet that HCI would become a research area).
My belief: you need to do what you feel is right, and not systematically follow the comfortabe path paved by mainstream research areas.
update: February 2025