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FGnet - IST-2000-26434

Face and Gesture Recognition Working group

The Coordinator of FGnet is Tim Cootes, University of Manchester, UK.
To contact the coordinator click here.

The founding members of FGnet are:



Dr. Tim Cootes ISBE, Imaging Science and Biomedical Engineering, University of Manchester UK
Prof. Gerhard Rigoll TUM - Technical University of Munich DE
Prof. Eric Granum Computer Vision & Media Technology Lab, Aalborg University DK
Prof. James L. Crowley Projet PRIMA, Laboratoire GRAVIR, INRIA Rhône Alpes FR
Dr. Sebastien Marcel IDIAP - The Dalle Molle Institute for Perceptual Artificial Intelligence CH
Dr. Andreas Lanitis Dept. of Computer Science, Cyprus College, Nicosia CY

Other members include



Dr Stephen McKenna University of Dundee, Scotland UK
  UFACE - User Friendly Access Control systems for access and healthcare access CY
Paco Gomez IST VISOR BASE - Video Sensor Object Broker Architecture for distributed services ES
Rob Kemp Face and Gesture Recognition Group, TNO NL
Rainer Herpers University of Bonn DE

This page was created 25 August 2002 by James L. Crowley.