James L. Crowley, Professeur I.N.P. Grenoble

Research Activities:

James L. Crowley directs the PRIMA Research Project group at the INRIA Rhone-Alpes research center in Montbonnot (near Grenoble), France. He holds the post of Professor at the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG), where he teaches courses in Computer Vision, Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence at l'ENSIMAG (Ecole National Superieure d'Informatique et de Mathematiques Appliquées). From 2003 through 2006, Professor Crowley has served as director for the UMR GRAVIR laboratory (UMR 5527 CNRS, INPG, UJF, INRIA). Professor Crowley has edited two books, five special issues of journals, and authored over 180 articles on computer vision and mobile robotics. He ranks number 1473 in the CiteSeers (July 2006) most cited authors in Computer Science with over 2850 Citations (Google Scholar Jan 2007) and an H Number of 30 (Citations Histogram).

In the last 25 years, professeur Crowley has made fundamental contributions to computer vision and mobile robtics. These include early innovations in multi-resolution and multi-scale computer vision, position estimation, perception and navigation for mobile robots, architecture for autonomous systems, multi-sensor fusion, robust tracking for observing human activity, appearance-based techniques for object recognition and navigation, and observation and modeling of human activity for context aware environments and ambient informatics.

Professor Crowley directs INRIA Project PRIMA. Project PRIMA has as its goal the development of techniques for observation of human action, with applications to interactive environments and new forms of man-machine interaction. Project PRIMA investigates techniques for visual perception and recognition based on representations of local appearance. The project is currently applying these techniques to problems of object recognition, recognition of faces and facial experssions, gesture recognition, and recognition of human activities. Project PRIMA currently participates in the European IST Project CHIL Computers in the Human Interaction Loop. Over the last few years, Project PRIMA has participated in the European IST Projects

In 2003, along with collaborators Pierre de la Salle, Jean Viscomte, Stephane Richetto and Pierre-Jean Riviere, Professor Crowley founded the start-up company Blue Eye Video. Blue Eye Video markets software for observation of human activity.

From 1994 to 1998, Prof. Crowley served coordinator ot the European Computer Vision Network (ECVnet), the EC "Network of Excellence" in Computer Vision. From 1993 to 2001, Professor Crowley coordinated the marie-Curie networks SMART and SMART II whose subject was the development of techniques for surveillance and monitoring. He has served as the technical coordinator of project ESPRIT basic research project BRA 3038/EP 7108, "Vision as Process" from 1989 to 1995. He has participated in a total of 14 European Projects since 1986 including the early FP II project P940 "Depth and Motion Analysis".

Professor Crowley was one of the founders of the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon Univeristy in 1980. From 1982 to 1985 he directed the Laboratory for Household Robotics at CMU, where he developed systems for world modeling and navigation using computer vision and ultrasonic range sensors. Versions of these systems have been used in several commercial mobile robots.


Professional Activities:

  1. Member "Board of Editors" Robotics and Autonomous Systems, North Holland.
  2. General Chairman, IEEE Conf. on Face and Gesture Recognition, Grenoble, March 2000
  3. General Chairman, International Conference on Vision Systems, ICVS 99, Las Palmas, Jan 99
  4. Program Chairman, International Conference on Vision Systems, ICVS, Graz, April 2003.
  5. Co-Program Chair for Vision and Robotics, 1999 IEEE CVPR, Fort Collins, June 1999.
  6. Program Co-Chair for Applications and Robotics, ICPR 2000, Bacelona, Spain, September 2000.
  7. Publications Chairman, I.R.O.S '97, Grenoble, September 1997.
  8. Program Co-Chair for Computer Vision, ICPR '96, Vienna, Austria, August 96.
  9. General Chairman of Symposium on Robotics Systems: SIRS '93 (Zakopane) SIRS '94 (Grenoble), SIRS '95 (Pisa), SIRS '96 (Lisbon) and SIRS '97 (Stockholm).
  10. Member of program commitees: EUSIPCO-88, IROS-89, IAS-89, ECCV-I (90), 7th SCIA (91), ECCV-II (92), IAS-III (93). ECCV-III (94), IROS '94, IAS IV (95), ECCV '96, IROS '96, FGR '96, ICIAP '97, PUI 97, FGR '98, ECCV '98, SIRS 98,IAS '98, CVPR 98, IROS 98, IMVIP 98, ICPR 98, IAS 98, IROS 99, Eurobot 99, SIRS 99, ICIAP 99, IHM 99, IMVIP 99, IEEE CVPR 99, IEEE ICRA 2000, ECCV 2000, IAS 00, IROS 2000, ORASIS 2001, ICRA 2000,, ICMI 2000, ICVS 2001, ScaleSpace 01, CVPR 2001, ICRA 2001, PUI 2001, UbiComp 2001, FG 2002, IAS 2002, ICPR 2002, UBICOMP 2002, IROS 2002, ICMI 2002, UBICOMP 2003, ScaleSpace 2003, sOc 03, ICIP 03, ICCV 03 AMFG 04, ICMI 03, RFIA 2004, IAS 2004, ECCV 2004, ICPR 2004.
  11. Expert for the European Commission ESPRIT Programme and TMR Programs, IST Program since 1988.
  12. Expert panelist for the NSF ITR Program.


Most of these papers are .pdf formated for European A4 paper

Doctoral Thesis, "A Representation for Visual Information", CMU-RI-TR-82-07, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, November, 1981. (US 8-1/2 by 11)

List of Journal Papers.(Updated 30 July 2006)

List of Papers in International Conferences and Symposia.(Updated 2 August 2006)

List of Papers in Workshops.(Updated 15 August 2004)

List of Books and book chapters.(Updated 25 May 1996)

List of Selected Tutorials.(Updated 1 December 1996)

Course Notes from classes taught in 1996/2004 (in French).

Doctoral Students Directed


Skiing (expert level)
Aviation: PPL (Class A and B), Instrument Rating, Mountain qualification (French), Night VFR qualification (French), QRRI.
Current Aircraft : DR400, D140, PA28R, C172, ST110, MS883.
(Contact me for a tour of the Glaciers of the French Alpes - 5 Glaciers in 50 Minutes).

Contact Information

Physical Mail Address :

Project PRIMA
INRIA Rhone-Alpes
655 Ave de l'Europe
38330 Montbonnot-St. Martin

Email: I receive over 600 emails per day of which 100 make it through my spam filters. I make NO promises to read and answer all email.

Some Phone Numbers:

Secretary (+33) 4 76 61 54 76
Office (+33) 4 76 61 53 96
Fax (+33) 4 76 61 52 10
Home (+33) 4 76 41 91 57
Weekend and Vacations (+33) 4 79 59 10 91

Created: Monday, 3 October 1994
Last Updated: 28 August 2004